The Chowder System's Term Book
This is just a place to store our coined terms! Thanks for lookin.Term Count:
33Check out my SCP-F Structured carrd! (Made seperate due to the size of the term.)
or check out my queer terms carrd!
An ameliorator is an alter who provides support to other alters during moments of extreme distress by talking to them. These moments may include flashbacks, panic or anxiety attacks, PTSD episodes, and other intense periods of panic.To alleviate the suffering of other alters, ameliorators use a variety of supportive communication techniques, such as offering soothing words, emotional validation, and general reassurance. They may use various verbal grounding techniques to help bring the alter back to the present moment and away from distressing memories or thoughts.
Anchors are alters that act as a stable reference point to ground the system during periods of heavy dissociation and distress. They provide stability and a connection to the external world.Anchor can also refer to an alter who helps stabilize the system in general, not focusing on any given thing (like dissociation).Restorative anchor is a role for alters who help other alters with their recent or immediate trauma by stabilizing them. They focus on maintaining the traumatized alter, functioning as a guide, and being a helpful reference point on what to do and how to heal. Restorative anchors will also work with alters to restore their sense of worth and safety after traumatic events.Restorative anchors are often split from the traumatized alter, and exist temporarily to help assist the alter in processing their trauma, before fusing back into one.
OVERHAULING THIS, MAJOR W.I.P.An alter who helps create and manage coping mechanisms (healthy or not) within the system.
Dream Gatekeeper
A dream gatekeeper is a type of gatekeeper that specifically manages and organizes things related to dreams/dreaming for alters across the system.Management of dreams can range from only focusing on memories and choosing to give or take away specific memories of dreams to having total control of who fronts during dreams, the content of dreams themselves, and/or the processing of those dreams after waking up. Dream gatekeepers manage both nightmares and dreams the same. However, some systems may have one dream gatekeeper that only manages dreams, and another that only manages nightmares.Dream gatekeepers are usually only active when the body is sleeping, although not always the case. Dream gatekeepers may even be entirely unaware of the outer world, only aware of internal happenings when the body is asleep, or very drowsy.
Dream Weaver
A dream weaver is a type of alter that can modify dreams. Dream modification is almost exclusively carried out for therapeutic purposes to aid in calming the system during potentially restless nights. It's important to note that dream weavers always operate with good intentions and will not cause nightmares or any type of stress during the system's downtime.
A harboringer is a protector who is devoted to finding or creating an external safe space for the system. Harboringers are also dedicated to identifying potential dangers, such as triggering items, and will take proactive measures to reduce any risk to the system's safety.To maintain this state of safety, they consistently monitor their designated safe space, and will adapt the space as needed to address and/or remove any threats.
Holloian is a whole/complete alter, but does not appear as or feel like one. Holloian's are fully individual alters, but there is something nonexistent or lacking in their core identity or self that makes them feel as if they're "missing something" when they arent, as they have a complete identity.Holloians are very commonly cassmates, but not always.
Perennial Host
A perennial host is a alter whose role as host is permanent. A perennial host may have other roles, but they will always be the host until fusion or dormancy. A perennial host will rarely, if ever, be able to leave front, but they will always at the very least be co-conscious. They will likely have trouble accessing headspace, if they're able to at all.This role is intended and made for P-DID systems to describe a role the dominant alter may have, but may be used for any kind of system.
Persecutor Roles
An emotional distresser is an alter who causes other alters emotional distress. This can either be done on accident or be purposeful, but it's always done with the intent of helping the system or someone outside the system. Emotional distressers will usually unintentionally harm the alter they're targeting in the process.This is always done in hopes of protecting the system, or someone outside the system, from something bad happening. What "bad things" can constitute as can vary heavily - from logical or sound reasoning to things that don't seem to make sense outside of their point of view. Possible examples could range from an emotional distresser believing that going to a specific location would harm the system, to them believing walking in a certain way would lead to something bad happening.An anxiety distresser may cause a fellow alter to be anxious because they're scared that the alter may harm their friend if the alter compliments them. A rage distresser may encourage a fellow alter to become enraged out of a belief that the way their partner talked to them could lead to their partner harming the system.-An obtruder is an alter who intentionally mocks, sarcastically encourages, and/or guilts other alters for their intrusive thoughts. This is done with the intent of wanting other alters to feel ashamed for thinking this way (usually out of a belief that the intrusive thoughts are the secret wants of the alter having them). Obtruders may be scared of the thoughts becoming reality and simply try to prevent this from happening using harmful methods.Due to the nature of this term, it should only be used for self-identification purposes.
A reconciler is responsible for bridging the divide between alters who have internal trauma (usually between eachother) by promoting understanding and reconciliation. The goal of this is to bring the system closer together, allowing for smoother and more efficient functioning while fostering internal harmony.Reconcilers can serve as a mediator, helping alters to communicate and understand one another's experiences. By doing so, the reconciler enables alters to recognize and address any underlying issues that may be hindering their growth or causing internal discord.
Resonancian is a role for alters who resonate with others' experiences and provide understanding and validation when needed. These alters focus on fostering either internal or external relationships, finding joy in being there for those around them.Resonancians exhibit a deep love for listening to others and are almost always willing to provide valuable insights regarding the speaker's thoughts. They possess a high level of supportiveness and eagerness to comprehend different perspectives.
Trauma Architect
A trauma architect is an alter who works with the system to reconstruct traumatic memories in a controlled environment. The recreated traumatic environments occur inside headspace, not in the outer world. This is done to allow their fellow alters to process and heal from past traumas in a safe space.This is not done with ill intent and is only done to assist and help an alter work through trauma.
Holder Terms
Legacy Holder:
A legacy holder is an alter who holds all knowledge(within reason) that the system has gathered over the years. Legacy holders will support alters by sharing memories that were thought to be lost, they will also attempt to make sure past mistakes are not repeated. They will usually be used as consultants for potentially threatening or intimidating new situations.A legacy holder will be on "stand-still" until they are needed by the system. Due to the nature of the role, legacy holders likely have no other roles that don't directly coincide with being a legacy holder.-Lifeline:
A lifeline is an alter who holds suicidal thoughts, memories, or acts. This alter may be either more suicidal than the rest of the system, or significantly less due to desensitization. A lifeline is there to try and prevent attempts or the planning/consideration of attempting but ends up absorbing thoughts and feelings.It is unlikely for this alter to attempt suicide themself, but it is not impossible and can happen, same as any alter.-RSD Holder:
An RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) holder is an alter that holds and/or absorbs a systems RSD symptoms.RSD holder was coined to be exclusive to systems with ADHD or ASD.
-numeran terms
Centanumeren refers to a system with 100 (less than or slightly more, but around 100) members.-Mininumeren refers to a system with a small number of members. (<25)-Hexanumeren refers to a system with only 6 members.-Pentanumeren refers to a system with only 5 members.-Tetranumeren refers to a system with only 4 members.-Trinumeren refers to a system with only 3 members.-Praesinumeren is a descriptor for the amount of members in a system. Praesinumeren means a system doesn't want their member count to be known, or doesn't want to tell a specific person.
It's usually intended as "fuck you." It can also be used to simply state that, while a system may or may not know the amount of members they have, they do not wish to state it.
A theriosystem is a system that collectively practices modern therianthropy. Within theriosystems, every alter is a therian in some way, and, while the system may have a shared theriotype, it's not uncommon for alters to identify with different theriotypes than the majority of the system.Therianthropy is a deeply personal and intimate identity for the entire system, regardless of how connection to it varies between alters. Each alter may have a unique experience of their therianthropy, but it is a critical and fundamental aspect of the system's overall identity. This can be in the form of spiritual, psychological, or even physical bonds with animals/non-humans.
A yolk is a singular alter who is isolated from their system in the same way sisaystems tend to be. They may consider themself to be a sisasystem on their own despite being the only member. Yolks may split or have other alters join them, making them no longer a yolk.Yolks don't have any fellow alters or fragments in their isolated area. If the yolk shatters, or splits fragments, they may be considered a fragmented yolk.-A sub-yolk is a singular alter who is isolated from their system in the same way subsystems/subsplits tend to be. They may consider themself to be a subsytem/subsplit on their own despite being the only member. Sub-yolks may split or have other alters join them, making them no longer a sub-yolk.Sub-yolks don't have any fellow alters or fragments in their isolated area. If the sub-yolk shatters, or splits fragments, they may be considered a fragmented yolk.-A side-yolk is a singular alter who is isolated from their system in the same way sidesystems tend to be. They may consider themself to be a sidesystem on their own despite being the only member. Side-yolks may split or have other alters join them, making them no longer a side-yolk.Side-yolks don't have any fellow alters or fragments in their isolated area. If the side-yolk shatters, or splits fragments, they may be considered a fragmented yolk.-Fragmented yolk has two definitions:- a grouping of fragments, split from a shattered yolk, who are all isolated from their system in the same way sisasystems tend to be. They may consider themself to be a sisasystem on their own. Fragmented yolk may fuse and become a singular yolk again, or may fuse into two or more alters, making them no longer a yolk.- a yolk who split fragments from themself but are all still isolated.
A nixtama is a subsystem where all (or a large majority) of members are holloian or the subsystem is, in it's entirety, whole while feeling incomplete.-Paracosmbased refers to a system that was heavily influenced by their paracosm(s) when forming. How the system creates roles, copes, and the thought structure of alters may be strongly and directly influenced by the paracosm. A paracosmbased system has to of been influenced since forming and must continue to be influenced throughout systemhood.The general functioning of the system is greatly affected by their paracosm around the time of forming, but their paracosm isn't their system origin.-SCPbased refers to a system that was heavily influenced by SCP. How the system forms roles, copes, and the structure of the system may be strongly and directly influenced by SCP.